Our Traders

We have developed a rigorous training system for prospective traders, which all of them must go through regardless of their degrees of past industry experience.

We first provide trainees access to an in-house training program consisting of online, interactive lessons we call our Learning Management System (LMS).  Each lesson ends with a test that must be successfully passed before the trainee can move on to the next lesson.

We are proud to have worked with Oliver’s Learning, a recognized global leader in e-learning within the financial industry, to create an educational course and text for day traders based upon our LMS.  This course is offered by Oliver’s Learning, an IACET accredited provider. The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is a non profit association dedicated to quality continuing education and training programs. IACET is the only standard setting organization approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for continuing education and training.

Once a basic understanding of market fundamentals is confirmed, traders access our proprietary trading simulator (TMS) to practice order entry, experience market reactions, and refine trading techniques. Simulator training is mandatory and is delivered through the identical software technology as with live production within a simulated, authentic environment the TMS system.  Traders receive simulated real time data; orders entered will simulate trading as the marketplace data moves.  The experience and challenge of trading is realistic.

Trainees must prove their ability to trade successfully in the simulator and successfully pass an exam – based upon Market Abuse Regulations (MAR), as well as guidance provided from time to time by the appropriate international regulators – with a mark of 90% or higher in order to be allocated capital and provided access to live markets. A mark of 100% is required for a second attempt.

Traders must have demonstrated proficiency in the markets and asset classes in which they wish to trade and are responsible for understanding the rules and regulations that apply on those markets.